Designmaster Furniture Destin Swivel Counter Stool

Model# 0360024

Designmaster FurnitureDestin Swivel Counter Stool
Destin Swivel Counter Stool

Designmaster Furniture Destin Swivel Counter Stool

Model# 0360024

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Bar Stools
41 inches
19 inches
24 inches

The Destin is a Klismos style stool with a rectangular seat. The T-shaped back with gently curved top rail is tightly upholstered. The tightly upholstered seat has sinuous wire spring construction and attaches to the stool base with a memory swivel mechanism. The exposed wood base has tapered legs and stretchers on all sides. The interior top corners of the wood base are sealed with corner wood brackets. The dining stool is available with a choice of either a brass, brushed nickel or bronze finish kick plate.

Outside Width 19"
Outside Depth 23.5"
Outside Height 41"
Seat Height 26" at crown - (Handcrafted product dimensions will vary)
COM 2.25 yards plain 54" fabric
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Prop 65: California Dealers OnlyClick here to download

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